Orders for non-standard size Christmas trees are grouped and will be delivered between November 25 and December 5. Trees of this height are transported using special transportation, and the delivery date and time will be arranged individually.
Each tree is placed in a suitable stand weighing 9 kilograms, which has a water capacity of 6.3 liters. The total weight of the stand with water is 15.3 kilograms. If you are placing the tree outdoors, we will additionally secure the tree’s stability by weighting the stand with sandbags. Tree placement and stand rental are free of charge.
We are accepting orders for trees of this height until November 25.
Once you submit an order, we will contact you to finalize the delivery details. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or +37063020555.
"Attention to the customer and flexibility in finding the best solution. Quick, incredibly convenient, saves my time, pleasant communication throughout the process, and a very beautiful result. And the fact that you come to pick it up!!! 💯. I can't imagine holidays without this service. I would have no complaints except for Santa Claus's work under the tree 😂"